Getting an Ultrasound, regardless of whether it is 2D, 3D or 4D, is such an exciting part of being pregnant. There is nothing like seeing your baby on the screen for the first time. With the availability of 3D/4D Ultrasounds, the process has become even more special. Though you can have a 3D/4D Ultrasound done at any time throughout your pregnancy, there is a certain window of time that will likely give you the best photos of your unborn child.
If You Want Results, The Best Time for a 3D/4D Ultrasound is…
In our experience, we find the best time for a 3D/4D Ultrasound to be during weeks 26-32 of your pregnancy. If you schedule your appointment with us at some point within this time-frame, you will have greater odds of seeing your baby doing some incredible things inside the womb. For instance, you might see your baby sucking his or her thumb, playing with his or her toes or maybe even giving you a nice big yawn before falling asleep.
Babies Are Amazing Humans Growing Inside You!
By Week 26 your baby has grown a bit more meat on his or her bones, enabling our Ultrasound Technician to help make out facial features pretty clearly as well. Are those daddy’s lips? Mommy’s nose? The images seen during this time can help you see which if its parents your baby looks like at that moment. Seeing those details of your unborn child’s face is such an amazing gift, one that you will surely remember for the rest of your life.
Making Multiple 3D Ultrasound Appointments Can Strengthen Your Bond
That is why here at Baby Glimpses we have a multitude of 3D/4D ultrasound packages available for you. Whether you want to make an Ultrasound appointment once, twice or have your gender reveal or baby shower centered around it, we can make it happen. We pride ourselves on the work we do and we believe that the bonding experience received by having a 3D/4D ultrasound done is so great that we try to make our prices something everyone can afford. So call us today to set up your 3D/4D ultrasound. We promise, you will not regret it!
Visit our website and use our Best Time Calculator!